Sunday, April 19, 2009
Ever tot to yourself if our dear ATM might not dispense the amount u requested yet stil deducted the amount fr your acc?
It has happened to me! Omg...
Was at woodlands mrt withdrawing $ when i realised that it onli dispensed 10 bucks for me... Since when did POSB atm dispense 10 bucks!? Haha. Anyway i called them up to ROAR!!! And the gal told me..
"It will take approximately 1 week to put the 10 bucks back into your acc mdm..."
2:40 AM
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Went for dinner with pink elephant... Never did i thought it was the night of LOL, LOL and more LOL. Things started rolling when we had dinner at Hans. Nevermind that i was sitting actually near to the counter and when i saw him, i was trying to frantically wave to him my existance... Which he didn't notice and cont to lala~~ Much to the amusement of 2 uncles who were near him. -_-!
After dinner, we nearly wanted to leave the place without paying!!! OMG! It was until the waiter told us tt we haven paid tt i finally realise that we have yet to settle the billl...! Note that i used "I", cos pinky obviously din realise until much later that yes.. We haven pay... So pai seh. Best thing was... We are actually working near Hans at ssc... Hope the fella dun recog us man.
Then we proceeded to Taka to settle some stuffs. Due to the fact tt we din know where to go, we basically went up and down the escalator for like at least 3 or 4 times. Lol...
One question he asked struck me... Do you believe in fate? Or do you think that 2 pple knowing each other is actually a coincidence?
Well.... Sometimes i think its amazing that one might try to understand another and might spend his whole life trying, but some people juz have that kinda telepathy and zoom off it goes. Take my friends for eg :)
But alright, the night was enjoyable :)
I realised something, but i guess its my assumption... So i will keep mum! :D
12:43 AM
This week, I have had my fair share of insect encounters...
On Monday, while i was happily munching on my bao in my hse lift, I suddenly realise that there is a BIG moth in the same lift with me... Not onli did it traumatise me by staying in the same lift with me, it was "walking arnd" and soon it started flapping and flying arnd the lift.... Never mind that i was in a constraint space with something which I am afraid of... Finally the lift reached the ground floor where i could happily make my escape!
TODAY, I was on the train to work when i felt something on my hair and thinking that it was a twig, I simply brushed it off.... Soon i realise that my hand was a little itchy, and i saw a spider on my hand! I brushed it away and in the midst of the action, i alerted the ger beside me and we started to try and lookout for the spidy... Thinking that it was gone, since it slide down my leg and (YES I CAN FEEL IT SLIDING DOWN) i reverted to happily reading my comic on the train when.... After quite somtime... I realised that the spidy is back to my leg... ITCHY! sighz. Left me paranoid in e office tt something is on my leg...
And oh yah... I realised that the "twig" on my hair is not a twig afterall... No prizes for guessing wad it was... Lolz
12:35 AM
Was supposed to celebrate Ah Joe'S bday today again when plans changed suddenly. Was quite a pity cos it was quite some time since we all have met up for gathering. But I also hope his problems will be settled yah!
Anyway 5 crazy gals make a noisy part at KTV! haha... Had lots of fun and high high high did crazeeee things which i certainly hope noone walking past will recognise us! ^^
3:06 AM
This entry... Is all gotta be about juz one person.. Mr Joe Lim!
Happy Burfffday!~!~
Venue: Mac Party @ Toa Payoh...
Participants: Yi, Sj, Qi, Qin, Ling, Lay, WL, Zh, LS, Wee, Jeff and of cos, JL!
It was actually a surprise party... So u can imagine his Shocku face when he saw it was mac. Of cos, there are lots of other pple staring.. But oh Well! Who cares! Haha!

The *ahem ahem* set from the clique.

The MP3 from me. :)

A "Ping An Fu" that says kai che ping an... if i am not wrong...

A polo tee from GAP

The ah seah kia belt! Which we all agree with both hands and legs its nice...

The mac bday cake! Its chocolate sponge with cream on top. It tastes really good actually.. :D

Rem about the Ping An Fu? Ain't it a contradicting thinggy...

The windbreaker ~
12:52 AM
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Ever wonder why they call cats... Scardy Cat?
Well, Qi and me were on our way home when we walked past block 212 when we saw an indian gal trying to coax a cat that was stuck on a ledge of the flat from level 2. Even though they say that cats have good flexibility and stuff, but apparently the cat is worried about jumping down. The gal mentioned that she had already called SPCA bout 2 hours ago! And apparently they kept saying that someone is on the way down... To which we dun see anyone around.
After being there for about an hour, the cat was yah still meowing its head off at the same ledge. It was then when this indian family closest to the ledge finally opened their window to try and save the cat. The eldest son nicely caught the cat into their house from the window... And after which we heard some noise and BING BANG!!! After which we realise that the cat upon reaching the house, out of long term traumatisation, bit and scratched the guy. Of cos, the SPCA said that the guy will come and look at the wound, to which he nv turned out... The family was erm understanding though very obviously displeased and soon the son went out to see the doctor. Of cos... The father was furious but thank god he finally to be appeased. Did i mention he is a Army general? CHOKE!
Our conclusion was that these few days we had better not try to go home that way....
1:12 AM
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Today is his Birthday~
Happy Birthday to you~! May you be blessed and well :)
I wish i didn't chance upon her blog just now... Then I wouldn't be blogging this. I have to agree that money is indeed the root of all evil. I guess neither of one thought that this would happen to a Happily Maintained friendship. But sometimes things happen when you thought it wouldn't. Of course i understand what kinda character she has, but sometimes the words exchanged during a heated conversation is sometimes heavier than what we thought. Sometime some words once said cannot be erased... Some words might be carved deep into my heart. Please understand that even though i acted like i was okay with it all along, but i really under went a emotional turmoil too. Being part of my valued client is only a underlying statement, but being as a friend means more. However, I was given the impression that monetary terms means more than anything else at that point of time. Including the words that you used on me. Each and every word was carved into me more than anything else. This incident has passed by for a while now and I dun mean to shift fault or what so ever by blogging this. But please also know that this has always been of an issue to me.
I have never said that I do not want you to appear in front of me. I do not know where did that come from. I just said before that if possible, unless we reconcile, perhaps its better not to appear at the same place, in case our friends are placed in an awkward position of not knowing what to do. Whether to say HI or to juz act blur or something.
Perhaps things have been dragged on for too long and things are already at a higher level of damage. Wow. Ren Yan Ke Wei.
12:56 AM
Thursday, April 02, 2009
A Break...
I have been given a break by my boss since he is overseas on thurs and friday... Means i will have a specially loooong weekend... Haha which is good becos i can finally sleep a tad bit later! And... Which brings to this...
I am staring at my clock now which says... Its nearly 3am... And.. I am still kinda awake... Playing Sushido and my fb games... Which sushido is also amazing cos at this timing a lot of pple are awake... No sch? or perhaps they also have a break like me?
I should be happy that my boss still wants me and that he even wants me to go on leave to have a rest... Well... Work is nv ending... Though i know that i will still have to do some stuff even when i am taking a break... But for the sake of my beloved boss i believe all is worth it...
Just that... I juz dun seem to want a break in e first place... Dun tell me i am becoming more of a workaholic! haha... Well, this post is kinda random... Just typing in a few of the running thoughts in my mind right now...
sitting all by myself at 3am~~~ On a thursday morning~~ Haha
2:48 AM