Its been a while since i've typed something here... Lets continue with the celebration mode with... Yi's Bday!!! We went for a nice dinner at Kim San Leng, followed by a great chill out session @ Rochester... Here are the camwhore pictures taken tt night!

The bday gal with LS

Pinching Martell =X

Thinking of Mei mei? Lolz

Yi with our 2 hunks

We were instructed to act cute and so... How cute can we be... =_=

Bday gal with cake from awfully chocolate!

Aint the cake lovely? The cake was not bad, has a really rich chocolate flavour... But my personal fav for chocolate cake wise would still be Guanaja~ Lolz. Qi i know and i rem until June~

Hmm... Me!

A random picture that i took which we thought looked kinda scandalous... Lolz. Where is LS placing his hands? Well... Shall leave it some space to let my readers figure a bit lolz

We really wonder what's the interesting thing? :D

Martini and me with out drinks~

Margerita and Martell~


Our drinks for that night! Too bad ling's not there.. So the peanut shall be her statue of support! Lolz

I wonder who or what is LS trying to kiss? lolz.. (not trying to link back to the scandalous picture previously~)

Cookies' new home!

Me in me.
7:45 PM