Saturday, November 22, 2008
Arlo to the erm readers in my blog, including those freq readers like ling, kang kang, hu xu, qi, qin, yi... And the silent readers out there.. Hows the new layout? lolz. Well, tot tt the old layout was kinda emo... So tot i should change it to something more vibrant to brighten up everyone's day when they come for a visit yah :D And i luvvvv the way the bees and the snails and the other animals move arnd in the blog.. Lolz.. I know its pre coded but.. Well Gals juz like it haha.
Anyway, went for dinner with Yi and Ling @ Nan X Man Tou Dian at bugis today... The restaurant is a very popular restaurant in ShangHai... Said to be full everyday and one muz queue for v long time b4 u can get the food.. So went to try the food after Yi highly recommended it to us...
Well, the food there... I muz say might be a bit bland for the Singaporean's liking... But i like the way the mushroom and meat blend into the Xiao Long Bao... The noodle was fab though, springy and chewy juz tt the taste was slightly healthier.. = D
And the pic featured below is... What we deem the best dish in the whole restaurant.. Woo hoo! Nan Gua Bing. As some know, i actually dun have a liking for starchy food like potato and pumpkin and yam tt kind... But this Bing not only does not have the pumpkin taste, it also blends into the skin completely, as though u are eating mochi. Simply Delicious!!! = D

Anyway this week has not been a great week exactly for me... Work wasn't exactly shun shun li li recently... And sighZ... I think i made my boss snap.. LM. Anyway no worries, i'll work doubly hard to make it up for next week. And for some reason, when i was walking to work i passed a void deck a clothes peg fell out from nowhere and yah hit mi on the head. Nv knew clothes peg could hurt tt badly too. =X
Juz to share something interesting... My frd told me this morning that she has decided to fight for her own happiness and "Gao Bai" to the guy she liked for a long long time... Because the guy told her tt he might have someone in mind... Though she knows tt sure fail de... Cos the guy and her are frds for a long time and she knows tt he juz treats her like a normal frd... But she say she doesnt want to have any regrets... Woosh! Admire her for the courage she has. Haha. Ling reminded me tt I also used to have tt kinda courage in the past but i guess yah as time goes by tt part of me already blends into another unreachable part of me... But i guess its true, u really have to zheng qu sometimes...
Speaking of which, i was scrolling through my frdster and facebook the other day. I was kinda taken back by how fast time flies and... How many of my frds are either married or already have kids. Wow.... Haha... I AM REALLY GETTING OLD! =~~
12:07 AM