Monday, October 20, 2008
Was chatting with a frd the other day when he was telling me bout his new gf... Excited as a kitty on hot kettle, he was excited telling me how they got tgt and stuff.... Woosh..
Den...... He made a comment about me outta nowhere....
"You are too independent"... Guys prefer gals who need protection so that they can feeel like a man... U give pple the impression tt u can settle everything and u are independent...
Well... To each its own.. Sometimes its beyond one's control to be who they are, its the society and surroundings that mould one to be so... On the other hand, i dun see why isn't it good? At least i know that i am in control of my own life and even though at times i do feel like having someone to lie on, i like it tt eventually i can still have myself to fall into.
If gals needa be all too dependent to get a "bf", i tink i rather be "myself"
= )
8:53 PM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
合:天亮了 天亮了 地球又转一圈了
s: 结束一段感情当然不像瞒个假那么方便
10:28 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Went for a prawning session juz now with Yi, Qi, Xin li, Ah Lay, Sihui and Zhiwei just now haha... Well, must say that we had much more better results than that we had last time haha. Total of 29 prawns which ahem!! Even though there was nothing much to be proud of....... Yi and Me had the most prawns tonight! Haha. Of cos, with Zhiwei at the bottom since he left early to family matters.. (my condolences..) Eventually, the prawns ended up in our mouth.. A bit cruel but.. I still enjoyed myself! = )

1:07 AM
Friday, October 10, 2008
Went to double O with Yi, LS, Zhi Wei, Ling, Si Hui, Ah Lay and ah lay's frds the other night.... Its been really long since i last went though haha.... Well, as usual, it was crowded with pple (OMG) there were grasscutters arnd too! Luckily qi was nt arnd else she'll really go berserk Haha... We opened a bottle and in e end we got a table for the old and weak like me to sit... Thanks to everyone, i din drink much for fear tt i would be left there. Even when i played games with Zhiwei he also purposely kept letting me win haha. (I realised tt i am easy to read sighz) Took lots of pictures and the meet up with ah lay again was good Haha! We were basically traumatising everyone with our "HS" thoughts and our erm lame jokes.. Finally have someone who can sit with me alone at "the other table" Lolz...
Prior to tt went for agency retreat the last weekend too. Not too bad, we bbq, played games and played MJ... Omg and i din know since when did my agency guys were so enthu to match make.. @#$%^&*( Being the sole single female in my agency, i was of cos not spared... Argh.... They can rest their mind tt it will not happen man haha!
Anyway, this week was a week full of errands... Fell sick and today i am here typing with a damn hoarse voice... Yesh... The ah gua has come to me again... Yesterday was the most LM day of it all haha. Was supposed to meet Shyan to fund switch at vivo, den go to Henderson to meet a client den go Bugis meet ling to fund switch... I toook the wrong bus @ harbor front and ended up at bukit merah instead.. Someone told me its within walking distance.. And so i walked half an hour according to the direction he gave.. Wow.. Yah.. I know imma somewhere near but erm not really.. SO i took a bus to Tiong Bahru and argh some fella gimme wrong direction again so.... In e end bo bian flag a cab over haha. Tot of calling Zhiwei but tot better dun disturb him @ work. Should have lor Haha... Even though in e end i found my way and i also managed to pass the disc over, (I think the disc is not worth the price at all) #$%^&* I ended up having dinner @ 10pm lOlz..
ZzZZzZZZzzzZ! Jia YOU!!! FIRE!!!!
10:35 AM
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Today is my office's official Opening! Haha to mark the start of our final quarter, we put a full page advertisment on the straits times today! If you see closely den u should be able to spot me haha. Wo Shang Bao le! Lolz though nothing much to be so high about but den yeah its once in a long long long or maybe even life time tt one gets to be featured on paper? haha at least its for a gd reason!

They invited lion dance over to dance in the individual manager's room... But for mine.. I guess it was quite a LOL thing instead. As u can see fr the above picture, there should be a red packet placed for the lion on top of Peter's notebook... But when the lion came in, it tripped over the dustbin and knocked against the laptop i guess during the process.... It swept the packet into.. The rubbish bin! My intern came running to me after tt that she found the red packet in the bin instead.... Lolz..

The lion knocking into my office door... Nv seem such clumsy lion b4...

leaving in a huff (maybe it was wondering why my boss so kiam siap..) no Ang pow Lolz

Joanna beside the lovely balloon bouquet by the CEO

Qi and I were walking at city hall when we chanced upin this interesting gadget esp for ZHi HAO! Its a alarm clock tt literally runs in e morning when u snooze it.. In tt way u have no choice but to wake up! Haha COOL!
12:04 AM