Thursday, August 28, 2008
Ladies and gentleman!~!
I Have packed up all my stuffs!!! And ready to move into Singapore Shopping Centre on 1st SepT!
Not something to be v proud of.... BUT!!! Its finally some hardwork ending with the packing...
Now i guess its gotta be the UN packing~!
Weekend gotta be burnt in the office.. T_T
11:59 PM
Monday, August 25, 2008

A few pics to update for the weekend... Went for a 8km trail walk starting from macritchie reservoir to the HSBC treetop bridge.. The walk took about 4 hours... Was supposed to be a 10km walk but due to weather conditions and human factors, we decided to cut it short to a 8km walk (also v power le okie!) haha... Well, it was quite a nice expeirence cos its not everyday that we can get to exp such closeness to mother nature. haha. There were a lot of butierflies though (EEKS!) and except for the occasional muddy and rocky roads, we did quite well.. Haha... We also saw some monkeys and a couple of camelion too.. :) Oh! There was also a blue bug wandering around the bin at the cooling station (We did take pics but i'll upload them when imma receive them from Huiyi haha. Lots of pple also joined us on the trail hee hee. Next desination !! Bukit Timah Hill! (or at least wait until i get over this ache) haha. When we were walking out it started to rain heavily Haha. No idea was it our perspiration that was making us wet or was it actually the rain.
Went to LS hse to rest for a while... Some of us played viwawa (Me~) While some juz nuaaaa on the bed unknowingly of the eyes tt were staring at him Lolz. After tt we went to catch 4bia. Ling and Chachat gamly sat on my left and right.. Of cos i'll be kind to gers to save them from my elbowing and my squirming lolz... So.. euu getting tt chachat was erm well, i guess besides the movie he also had another shock. Double horrors! lol.
And erm, no doubts, i actually cut my hair and dyed it purple haha (refer to pic bah!) haha. This is the 1st time in N years tt i cut until this short. I kinda like it but yeah.. Maybe not the purple anymore haha!
8:07 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Oh no. Darric wants me to do roadshow next week because next week when we are moving office i'll probably be too "free" so its a good time to do some roadshow. ***CHOKES*** We are finally moving into the final stage of packing up into SSC next week. Lots of dust and smoke around. The YDR also came to detach all our cupboards and stuff. And wow. Sinus recently is like a everyday event. How nice!!
Anyway, with regards to the blog tags recently, i din know until recently that i actually have eerrr... Silent readers haha. Anywa, actually everything is in a peaceful manner. And i know that she also has sort out her thoughts already.The history b/w me and him is actually of a long time ago, so now we are just friends. Dun worry, i will maintain a objective point of view about everything and i will not have any misconcepts about anything or anybody because i personally dunno euu as well. = ) I am happy for you that you have sorted out your thoughts because i'm sure that you have a lot of friends and family who love and care for you. I'm sure someday u will find the one who treats you right. Cheers!
10:01 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Just caught the Olympics China Vs Singapore team woman.. Well, it was exciting!!! Esp the part when Singapore games the 1st 2 rounds of the 1st 2 games b4 of cos, letting china gain the upper hand to win over the games thereafter. But oh well, cheers to us for putting up such a good fight and the china players were all well, have to admit, strong and very tactful. So well, i guess we should be contented already!
I did something which i nv tot i will err do.. sweat! Meet me and u will know lol
9:58 PM
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I think i am really accident pro..... Very accident pro... Just these 2 weeks, i have like 5 or 6 cuts already... With the deepest cut today on my thumb... Great...
My frds always say that my boss nt arnd = i v seng lang.. But no leh, when he's nt arnd i feel more busy den per normal... Worked late almost everyday when i am gg home or not appt.. ZzZ... But finally managed to finish up the stuffs and also pack up majority of his room... Today was unscrewing the screws on his wall for his paintings and wall cork and... I realise that... I was the one who screwed them in.. How time flies nv tot i would be the one to take them out too (TMD zao zhi dao dun screw so tight) Haha...
Just now when i was taking bus with qi back to yishun, due to the over crowdedness of the bus, we decided to sit separately, but juz one behind another. Qi sat with his young erm.. Strong looking gal with lots of tattoos on her body... C'mon lor, she wasn't exactly descried as being petite, so qi accident knocked onto her and we saw that she purposely elbowed qi a few times. -_- juz adds on to the impression of her ah lian ness and low EQ. Well, we changed seats to sit tgt soon after, and we gt down in yishun to go mac to get a drink to have while walking home. While we were exiting, she came in through the door.. I duno if its a coincidence or issit on purpose, juz as we brushed across each other she told her frd.... Zhen de shi yuan jia ru zai! Diao!!!! What did Qi do lor snap... But well, we have EQ so we shan't gen ta ji jiao... Sighz..
Have a nice weekend!
12:36 AM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
eee... Why cannot change song de.... Wanted to change to F.I.R ni hen ai ta change change change~!
10:03 PM
A question i like to ask and laff to myself recently.....
A chinese who holds a sharp object we call them.... General
A eng mor who holds a sharp object we call them.... Knight
What do we call a YDR who holds a sharp object...?
9:01 PM
I really like watching the Olympics Haha.
Male weightlifting was nice and exciting! The enthu and effort they put in was really inspiring haha...
Met up with couple of Darric clients to close cases for her child's policy. Well... for a good thing
she said that.... I LOOK LIKE IMMA 18 yrs old!! HAHA!!! *Fly into the sky* lol. Anyway the wifey was nice to chat with, we easily chatted for quite a long time regarding children to men to policy to other stuff lOlz.. Whereas for the hubby, he went out with his son to drink cheng teng. He says tt he has no patience to listen to all of these stuff, so he will rather let his wife listen and she'll juz sign everything lolz. Well, from the wifey, her hubby is someone who wun sweet talk nor be very romantic, but he told her tt he'll def be someone she can rely on for life... AWWW!! So sweet! haha.
Anyway, i like the feeling of closing cases haha... And.. Sighz. The thing bout packing ur office is nt about the weight of the stuff or the troublesome issue. For me, its the dust issue!! ARGH! Once i start packing i'll get sinus all day long...So.. Got some 3 ply face mask to help me through the times! Haha
8:51 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008

Ah ming has such a lovely and sweeeet gf, Shu Bee... Met up with ah ming, shu bee and ling at woodlands today... (was kinda a last min decision) Anyway, Ah ming was feeling the effects of the flu virus as the day progressed...
Shu Bee asked me wad flu tea was there available tt was good. Shortly, she told ming she wanna go to the ladies... And she went for a long time.When she came back, she came back with the tea for ah ming to drink OMG. So sweet. I can almost see them walking hand in hand down the road to happiness. = ) As for me, imma also down with the flu virus.. But i guess i can only ask my fedac flu pill to heal me tonight! haha
Is majority of my frds not working molo? haha. Shiling and ah ming not working, Daric sms me if i wanna go out molo as he is not working.. Joanna and cindy also not working Haha. Wow. Looks like imma be lonely in the office!
10:21 PM
Went to attend F.I.R's concert at singapore indoor stadium yesterday... I din know PTO-ians also liked F.I.R. Met Cynthia, Venessa, Kimi and Diana and ShuYi there. Si Hui and Edwin were there as well..
By the time we got there actually the timing was tight and the concert was starting any minute. Cool! We were sitting quite near to the stage, but it was the sitting seats... (meaning if euu wanna stand, pple will @#%^&*) Lol
Anyway the concert was relatively well, i can say, not v impressive but also not supe disappointing. Just that there wasn't really alot of surprises and somehow the ambience wasn't high enough. I guess the highest was when Jam Hsiao came in his purple skinny jeans and purple t shirt with his gold boots.. Lol. The crowd basically went crazy upon his arrival. He sang 2 songs, shou cang and wang zi de xin yi.... (Too bad he din sing yuan liang wo) Lolz. But anyway he was really impressive with his voice. Amazing someone on planet earth can sing like him. As for F.I.R, they sang quite a no of songs. Can see that ah Qin and Faye were v sweet(Lao shi a bit lan diao) lolz.. But they din really have a lot of interaction with the audiences Lolz.
Anyway towards the end of the concert, some of the pple in my area stood up and got high... Sudd one ah beng came and shouted at one of the guys... Wah *** eh, u wan to stand up go buy the front seats lah, u stand up lim peh dun need see already isit? K** C**... Sweat! Luckily his frd came and pulled him away. Where are the security when it is really needed.. SNAP!
Anyway. Great! Shall look foward to listening to more great tracks from them! = D
Shall upload pics and videos next time!
12:06 AM
Saturday, August 09, 2008
The Olympics is interesting!
1:05 PM
Thursday, August 07, 2008
My boss is leaving for Paris next week~! Lol...
No~~ Dun go awww with envy and think i can go havoc w/o him lol.. Though its true that i can indeed go a bit more freedom without him around, but... He of cos has a line of stuff for me to do liao.. lolz..
Anyway today was packed with his appointments, sunday i've also have gotta meet his client, and not forgetting 2 clients on monday... -_-! Close case for him! Hmm imma happy tt he actually trusts me enuff to ask him to close cases for him but also a bit stress, hopefully i can manage to close all of it nor Haha..
Molo is FIR's Concert with yi! Looking forward to it....
Hope Ling's assignment be good with flying results...
Hope chachat has a wonderful trip...
Hope yi and LS have a great weekend too!
10:16 PM
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Finally its wednesday! Went out for dinner with Novwell, Wendi and JunHao juz now at far east haha Realised its the 1st time in 2 weeks tt i've dined out on a weekday Lolz. Really becoming more gu pi~ Wendi got me and qi some lovely souvenirs and hao got mi a pair of shorts Haha came home to see durians.. Wow.. Yum Yum... Too full but den juz grabbed some HAHA!
Anyway this week is still a bad week. So far i already have a few paper cuts, 1 penknife cut and i actually gt a wood splint into my flesh when i was dismantling darric's cupboard.. (@#$%^&*&^%) Anyway great... The week is coming to an end anyway... So hopefully the bad luck will ciao with the week.
I had a LOL dream yesterday. I told chachat today as well. I dreamt tt he bought a lot a lot alot of subways to a picnic and told us to eat eat eat. Den he juz started eating by himself with a very very happy expression. Lol. I gettit tt when i told him he wasn't too happy with it. "Lidat??" Lol but well, maybe when one gets too traumatised by something den it reflects at night lolz.
Here's an interesting quiz for the bored. See if u find it true?
如果生活讓你得有點疲或有點痞,你最好離開一下,去旅行,呼吸一點不一樣的空氣.你買了到英國的機票. 深呼吸一口氣,請回答下列問題:
A.古堡 B.森林 C.湖泊 D.度假村
到了倫敦之後,愛好文化的你步入大英博物館的殿堂.你發現,英國人是最偉大的小偷,他們把百年來從世界各地偷來的東西整理得不錯. 現在,你時間不多,只能看其中一種典藏,你會選擇哪一館?
A.中國被竊的敦煌物 B.埃及木乃伊 C.希臘神殿
肚子餓了, 你買了一個漢堡, 找到一梱蘋果樹,像發現了萬有引力的牛頓一樣坐在樹下吃起午來.忽然有一隻毛毛蟲掉下來,就在你身旁十公分處, 你會:
A.踩死它 B.用樹葉把它弄遠 C.不理它
你又走到倫敦最著名的海德公園. 海德公園裡自古有一個傳統,那就是對英國政治有意見的人, 都可以站在肥皂箱上演講.你聽到有人慷慨激昂的痛切陳辭,哎呀不得了, 他講的每一個你都聽得懂—因為他講的是中文!!中國人跑到英國來大放厥詞做什麼?? 你會:
A.逃走, 或覺得他是瘋子, 身為同胞好可恥啊!!B.如魚得水, 圍在他身邊, 聽下去.
四處閒逛, 發現河的對岸有一個私人的花園, 看似花團錦簇, 門也沒關,但通往花園的小路橋有Private ROAD(私家擁有的路)的招牌,你會想進去看一看嗎??
A.會 B.不會
倫敦最熱鬧的購物街Oxford Street(牛津街)上,你想為情人(幻想的也可以)買件毛衣做禮物,你想為他買何種顏色??
A.紅 B.白 C.藍 D.紫
逛街逛累了, 在街角, 你找到一條長椅子,你會選擇哪一個位置(以你是面對那張椅子的去看方向,將椅子分三等分)??
A.椅子的左邊 B.椅子的中間 C.椅子的右邊
最後綠燈亮了, 你走過馬路,在斑馬線中間遇到一位很熟的人,正從對面走來好像是小學時坐在你隔壁的同學,他(她)怎麼也到英國來了??你會:
如果他(她)曾是你暗戀的對象, 你會要求留下他(她)的電話嗎??
A.會 B.不會
A.選擇古堡的人, 現在的人生缺乏成就感, 很期待自己成功
B.自覺生活環境過分嘈雜, 想過獨立自主的生活
C.有憂鬱特質, 認為現有問題無力解決, 左右為難
D.工作或學業壓力很大, 只想瘋狂一下(註:其實你上當了!據我所知,嚴肅得半死的英國目前未有度假村)
B.活潑可愛, 逗你笑的怪傢伙
B.借力使力解決問題, 但有的時候會過分壓抑
A.對新改變有排拒感, 容易故步自封
B.很容易融入新環境, 樂在其中
B.白----純潔(有時這句話, 也代表無知好騙)
從選擇的位置, 可以看出你的戀愛困難
A.不太愛表現, 不夠積極, 人家很難了解你的心意
B.任性, 一切以自我為中心
C.隨遇而安, 有時太沒個性與自信
A.低姿態, 苦苦相求以挽回
B.若是情人主動要求分手,你強迫對方說出不愛自己的理由,但無論如何不肯接受, 因為在你的觀念裡,只有你可以甩人,沒有別人可以甩你.
C.不愛我就算了, 天涯何處無芳草
A.問電話的人, 屬於—藕斷絲連—的類型, 很容易跟舊情人死灰復燃.
B.不問電話的人, 屬絕情到底, 一分手, 最好死不相見.
10:52 PM
Monday, August 04, 2008
Please allow me to say... ARGH!!! SCREAM!!!!
Today is a bad day!!! Firstly, got into the office in e morning when boss screamed at me for stuff which i was sure was right b4 i left on friday.. Ended up argh! He blur blur got the figures wrong.. FZZ! But no matter what it was already a bad start...
In e afternoon well fine... I lost a $100~ yeah.. $100 juz flew away lidat. Din even know where i dropped it. Argh. But well, wad can i do about it? Den i tripped and nearly fell.. -_-! Great!
Ended up leaving office quite late.. Which was alright to me, went to popular to top up the stationary for office (esp when i have to start packing up boxes molo). Paid everything and went home to realise... I left the bubble wrap somewhere. Dropped? Nv pick up? Irritating! Molo still gotta go buy extra wrap for the crystals in the office..
The only consolation is i guess.... I see mama cooking brocolli....
Emo~~Emo~~Emo~~Emo~~Emo~~Emo~~Emo~~Emo~~Emo~~Anyway, life is twisting in someways. A simple cab journey today made me touched. The cab uncle was chatting with me on the cab today, asking me what i do and he was also telling me about his job expeirences, how he was actually successful in e past but now everything is back to square one. He commented that i give pple the reassuring feeling, the feeling tt people can trust to buy insurance with (do i? haha thanks if its so) Anyway, the uncle asked me some questions bout prudential and how would i go about promoting the company to make it extraordinary? And while we chat he was telling me that he bought quite a few insurance over the years but now he can no longer buy. I was thinking how come when he told me that he actually has cancer and it is in the 3rd stage. I was like HUH? Uncle dun joke with me lah. Uncle has greying hair (but not balding at all) he looks perfectly fit and healthy! Uncle told me that he was not joking, he den showed me his nails which were a tad black and yellowish, and he told me tt he actually underwent chemotherapy for a yr b4 tt. Initallu hair does drop, but den eventually it din drop much for him luckily. He showed me his medicine in the cabinet and sweat... He told me not to look so sad because should be happy tt we have a chance to meet. Aww!! He gave me his namecard and said he'll rem me. So nice of him. And what a lesson i've learnt.
8:42 PM
Sunday, August 03, 2008

Yi's new hairstyle. Personally i feel its refreshing. Wad da ya tink?
10:27 PM
Just got back from Zhihao's farewell party just now...
Was supposed to have dinner with his friends as well at Sakae sushi but, 1stly Zhihao din pick up calls, 2ndly, his friends were late. So... Yi, LS, Joe, Ling and me decided to have our fill 1st. We were finishing when his friends came... Kinda awkward cos the only person who knew them all was Joe, though me and Yi were accquatences with some of them... By the time they decide to start eating, we have already decided to go walk walk 1st to meet at KTV later.. Bad timing.. Worse still, the main lead is still uncontactable... haha...
Anyway went tea drinking at TCC when zhihao called to say his friends would nt be joining us, so we went up ahead 1st to KTV. Finally ZhiHao came at arnd 1/3 of the session. Wow. Qin came down to join us later as well... Cool!
For some reason, was Emo tonight. I also have no idea why, nothing to do with any BGR definetly, work is okie and nothing much is in da house. Anyway yeah for some reason the whole night as much as i wanted to high and act crazy as usual to bring up the ambience in e room, i juz couldn't do it. Sorry guys tt i think i brought down the ambience instead. Just feel like burying myself in my blanket. Sighz. Thanks Qin and Ling for cheering me up and Yi for making me LOL and Joe for trying to irritate me haha i know euu did tt to try and cheer me up too.
Molo be accompanying Yi to cut her hair in Yishun. new look for her! Would be exciting! hee hee. Den gg with her to Daric's hse to play mJ and try to open case HoHo! Anyway haven met him since 3 yrs back. Wow! Time really flies. haha.
2:25 AM
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Thanks to Lao Ban, yesterday we had an agency outing at vivocity gold class = D... Well, it was a 1st time expeirence there so of cos, wanted to know wads the difference b/w a normal 10 bucks movie and a 30 bucks movie ticket... Well, boss brought wine there.. So we got there earlier and sat at the gold class lounge to have some wine and finger food (not included in the package! So can imagine the price tok tao ah!) lol... As usual, after half a glass of white wine my face turned red.. Sianz.. Gave the red and half glass of white to my colleague haha poor guy drank a few glasses b4 gg into the movie.
The lounge was playing jazz music and the ambience it gave was actually quite high class, gd place for biz associates to discuss their business... LoL. Anyway we went into the cinema and woo... There was limited seats in the theatre, b/w every two seats there was a table for euu to put ur drinks and food... Out of curosity, Elin and me pressed the prominent blinking green button on the table... Nth happen leh.... (Or so we tot)... Within 1 min, a staff zoooomed in and yes mdms, can i have ur order?? we horRrRRr~~ Oops.. In the end ordered lemon tea nor.... But wad was best was i guess the seats at the theatre, it was like a osim chair, which has a button by the side for euu to adjust ur seating position, ranging from a normal arm chair to a bedstyle.. Woosh~~~! Shiok! There was also a lovely scented blanked for each guest to cover themselves up lest they get cold.. = D Last but not least, the sound effect was def lots better den wad we usually have... When explosions or the ground rumbles, u can literally feel the surround sound and the area arnd u grumbling away as well.. = D
Thank You bossy~
1:04 PM