Thursday, October 25, 2007
Yes.. Its our Mr Goh's (not the PM) lOlx 24th Birthday!! Happy Birthday! Went to Tong Shui with him juz now to do a mini tea session (yes mini cos its juz the 2 of us) Lolx Anyway yeah~ not too bad though hope he had a gd time.. = )
Tomorrow will be going to Ramli's (my supervisor's) house for Hari Raya lunch with sweets! Yea! Been awaiting for his feast for quite some time cos i heard its really gd.. Nice of him to invite us over so yea~ Give face all the way bah!
Sigh.. I duno why things turn out this way.. I told myself that the last time was already the last time tt things will turn out that way and tt after so long i tot i will be diff.. Sigh.. Kinda disgusted.. If only things happen at the right time and stuff den maybe things will be diff.. If onli the heart and the mind is connected.. Nmind.. I will try harder this time to let things stay this way.. Cos its not fair to...
Dun ask me wads with the above paragraph.. Cos i onli wanted to vent something out in MY blog.. If i wan to i will tell euu..
2:30 AM
Thursday, October 18, 2007
oOps.. I suddenly realised that irts been a long long while ever since i've done some updates to my blog.. Haha
Well, juz some updates.. I have already received my confirmation~~ (HOOORAY)~ Haha.. Actually its also nothing much (main point is euu gettit there is no increase in salary tt why) but den yeah on account that there is an increase in benefits like medical and leave and stuff... Well, so congrats to me as well! Lala
LinGz bought mi a Vanilla milkshake de lipbalm.. Yea euu gettit tt it smells and TASTES (yes.. Tastes) like vanilla milkshake.. Its sweet on ur lips and woosh~ Tastes lovely.. (Gt a chong dong to juz eat up the whole stick.. lolX) Thanks for the sweet stuff Ling!
Life has been great recently.. So far so gd.. So will cont to update when i can!
12:42 AM
Monday, October 08, 2007
Hmm.. Something exciting in my life... I'M ON MIDNIGHT SHIFT starting from molo lasting 3 days! Lolx.. yeah.. Wth how come imma on midnight i also duno lolX.. nmind lah.. I'll be doing with sweets and xiao li lolX.. = D I guess its a risk to out the 2 new staff tgt and responsibility will be heavy lest something should happen but anyway! Add oil!!
= )
3:27 AM
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Today i spent on a investment..
I bought a Creative Zen Nano2 .....
2GB for 129 who can resist it? Lolx..
Anyway i think its also time i return Sweets his player.. Sob sob Imma miss it..!
Met XL for lunch today.. Lazy pig who was complaining that he was wide awake and when i went down he said he was sleepy lolx.. Nonetheless still had lunch.. After tt went to meet Dearie, Shyan. Kang and Yi for dinner @ pasta de waraku.. Awww i missssed dearie So long nv see her.. Had a long long long long wait there b4 finally having dinner.. But then we were presented the bill b4 we requested for it.. LIDAT? Business gd means lidat? SiGhX~
Moloz anotherrrr zzz day~~
2:34 AM
Friday, October 05, 2007
YeAh! Its finally off day molo! Guess wad imma doing now? Lolx.. After much persuasion from Yi, i've finally decided to sign up for facebook.. I guess there is much to entertain mi tonight.. And.. Imma freaking dumb.. I keep thinking its called friendbook.. And i keep telling myself its not.. So why did i type Lolx wah kaoZ..~ That kinda thing really makes pple dumBbb...
Gathering day molo~
And er... If euu uds, euu will.. I've finally plucked up some courage to step out.. = )
2:26 AM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
To Admit, recently i haven been in the mood to blog.. LoL... Or rather i've juz been plain lazy to blog.. = X Here's some pictures to juz say the words for me.. = D

This is the labbit that Yi juz adopted.. Name is Cookies Ng Ah Pu LOlx!! He's kinda quiet though.. Not hyper like other labbits.. But hopefully he'll grow to be better bah! = )

This is the new dou hua that mi and yi and xiang had at xing wang.. Simply yummy! It comes in a big tub but its sharable and its delicious! So.. euu gettit next time can try wad there..

OoO.. This is the chocolate that mi and hao happen to see at bugis.. They have really nice deco and really exotic flavours which kinda attracted us to buy one each.. he bought a mango flavour 1 i tink and mine was the lime one.. Ooo.. One mouth heart ache~~ 2 pieces lidat for 3 bucks omfg~~ Lolz

Thats the gigantic beer that yi had at ice cold beer.. She says it tastes like Jasmine euu gettit its really gigantic compard to our normal bottle of alcohol.. Lolx

TADAH~~ Thats err Claymore!! (For the time being at least..) Soooooo kawaii!! U gettit who's labbt it belongs to.. Lolx.. Too bad i din get to see the real labbit.. lOl..
Went for BBQ with co last sat at pasir ris park.. 1st time in my life i'm really full at a BBQ loLx.. The uncle had no idea where we wanna go.. (So much for cab uncles not knowing how to go pasir ris park at all.. *roll eyes*) Luckily we managed to find our way there ourselves.. Anyway we had a great time there! Looking fwd to next time! = D
2:03 AM