Friday, August 31, 2007
Met up with my new agent today.. Lolx.. Was alright he was nice to chat to (though he was late) loLx.. And i ended up buying another plan from him.. Cos it seems tt CPF might be onli allowing people to invest in their CPF acc next year at a condition.. Means that whatever euu have left after 60K will be the amount euu are allowed to invest in.. Thus people of our age prolly wun be able to if tt is the case.. = /
Anyway off days always fly so fast.. Lolx.
12:44 AM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Finally met up with da Jie today after work.. Yes.. Its really a FINALLY.. Cos its been a mth plus ever since we gt to meet up for a chat.. Really glad that we had the time to sit for some food.. Have a cuppa tea and just chat! Shared recent juicy updates and stuff.. JUST that.. I realise we din take any pictures.. Damn.. Lolx.. beeeee missing euu da jie! Maybe its tiring now.. but imma sure euu can do it! Jie You!! Heard from Da Jie tt.. He is now a teacher? hmm.. Its amazing cos it has always been his dream to be one esp during the period of time when we were tgt.. But its also err.. Amazing how someone like him can be a teacheR?? Given his character and stuff.. Hmm.. Contradicting.. Anyway wishing him all the best!
Have euu guys seen this new drink on the market recently? Black Barley Tea.. LolX.. Lover of barley so i gave it a shot even though it had a weird colour for barley Lolx.. It tasted like chin chow and err.. Sweet black tea.. Lol no barley taste at all.. I wonder why they call it a barley tea in the 1st place.. Lolx
Keep breaking stuff at work.. Shit lOlx.. And i guess sweets has kinda gotten my virus or something.. Cos he... Billed wrong table today.. Luckily its not major and its a over not a under.. = D
Endure.. One more day to off day!!!!!!! = D
12:31 AM
Monday, August 27, 2007
Ahhh~~ I'm finally online after a few days of MIA.. Lolx.. U gettit that its been morning shift so its a tad hard to get online.. Went to watch soccer juz now at Tung Shui.. Man Utd finally got its 1st win at the barclay premier league.. Lolx.. Well, victory ish always sweeet~
Thx Ling for the Link! *winks* Lolx! Woman~ SiGh~!
Met Qin and Desmond today at Yishun MRT when iw as doing transaction with the ATM.. They were looking at me and i felt someone staring at me from the corner of my eye.. I turned slowly thinking its some GGNR loLx.. Ended up its them.. -_-!!
OHHHHH~ Regarding the eerie story from my last entry.. It was a misunderstanding. The Blond hair guy she was referring to was actually my colleague.. But he knocked on her door at 8plus.. Not according to the woman at 12plus. The woman called at 12plus and made a hale outta a story.. -_-! We were relieved though i guess the onli person who snapped was my manager who had to write a grandma story long of reports regarding the incident..
Thong's bday coming up.. LolX~ Really haven gt much of an idea of wad to buy.. When we also dun haf much budget!.. Leaving it to the haunting-me-with-v-day sweets to go and buy.. MUAHAHAHA~~..
Penang food fair coming right up in a few days.. Dreading it actually.. Cos imma not very turned on by buffet style servicing and.. ITS BUFFET STYLE the whole day!! So yah.. euu gettit... haaa~~
Until then~
3:10 AM
Friday, August 24, 2007
Work was kept busy today.. The guests nv stopped flowing in from 6 arrrgggHh! Not v appealling that i was working with ah Lim.. Lolx.. But tips was good though.. = D
Something eerie happened at near the end of work though..
We received a call at 12 plus from a lady in room 432 that a guy wearing white with blond hair knocked on her door waking her from her zzz to inform her that he needs to collect the tray which the lady had left in her room when she ordered room service earlier on.. The sweat thing was that my room service colleague was with us all the while and he def no blond hair.. And the previous colleague already went back at 10 plus...
So who was tt guy in blond hair...? =_=
Next week...
Monday: B
Tues: A
Wed: 3-1
Thurs: OFF
Fri: 7-11, B
Sat: B
Sun: B
2:18 AM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
An interesting website i saw in Lime.. has lots of interesting stuff from clothes to accessories.. Not too sure about the quality and shipping (if any) though.. Lolx
Hao's leaving York.. SighZ.. The person who brought me in would be leaving me soon.. LolX.. But anyway he was waiting so long for the sch to bring him results so i also wish euu all the best buddy! Hee Hee...
Aint not sure wad to blog about actually.
To Dearie: Exams coming up! Jia YoUz!
To Ah Da: I'm sure euu will know wad to do to make everything right.. We are always there yah?
To My Dear sisters: I miss euu guyS! = )
To LS: I duno wads troubling euu recently.. But i hope everything turns out fine! Call me if euu need someone to tok to..!
To Sweets: Sometimes the phrase distance makes pple closer seems so true.. Sometimes i wonder if the environment makes us closer frds or makes even more distant? Anyway glad tt euu have someone to be with ya now le. = )
One more day to my OFF day b4 my lifeless weekend starts.. loLx..
Suddenly feel like giving myself and all my readers a kiss~~ Muahh~!
2:26 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Exactly 1 week since i've done updates to my blog...
Hmm.. Thanks to the A shifts so i haven been online at all these few days.. But managed to go on a one day trip to JB yesterday with Yi, Ling, Sweets, Seng Han and Wei Xiang.. Though we started on a bad note cos.. wei...x..i.a...n.g.. forgot to bring his passport and we ended up meeting late, well, we still managed to...
Sing KTV @ Neway.. (The K lunch costs cheaper and the food are def more appealling!)
Watch a movie for SGD 5 bucks.. *Evan Almighty @ The cathay!!)
Eat 10 dishes of seafood b/w 5 persons with each onli paying abour SGD 13.. Pss.. Including crab and 2 different kind of fishes, sotong, kangkong.. Blah Blah~ = D~~
However, I fell sick.. Damn it.. Sick again and i haf to go work no matter what cos.. The MC will cost me $50 of my salary!!~~! T_T
AnywayZ.. HoHo.. Won $ at MJ last night too.. Last min decision but.. Yeah i miss the tileS!!!
1:41 AM
Monday, August 13, 2007
My Sunday~
LS Sent a mms over in the afternoon.. I nearly choked when i saw it.. POO~ This pic was taken in poly Yr 3 bah.. LOlx.. Somewhere in the FY lab.. SHOCKU~! Lolx.. I guess we have changed as the years go by..

Went for sunday high tea at Le meredian today.. Woosh~ They really have a wide variety of food range there.. Stuffed ourselves to death~ LolX.. Nice ambience.. And this is my chip ($3 onli~) Sitting on the table waving to euu... While the 3 of us oogle ourselves with food like sashimi, laksa, nasi lemak, roasted duck crepe, pastries, ice cream, salad, dim sum, fondue~~ Lolx

This is a v cool car we saw ourside Meritus Mandarin.. V unsafe though, cos its a open air car so euu basically can leave nothing in the car when euu are not on board.. And i wonder... RAIN how?

....... My statue

LoLx.. Lots of chipmunks! 2 are mine~ 1 is for yi's niece and the other 2 are yi's lOlX Kawaii~!

New friend we made today.. Desmond~ (ps.. He has 6 pacs.. Or used to.. = X )
Watched a soccer match between... Man U and Reading.. Score ended with....
Nil - Nil~
POOO.. Shocku everyone outta their eyes..
Total disappointment considering they are champs..
But.. We were totally also amazed with the Reading's goalkeeper.. He really gave all of his might to keep the ball safe.. With adue respect!!! ^^
3:21 AM
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Damn.. Billed wrong table today... Have to pay 61 Bucks.. I collected $200 from table 12 and should return them 12 Bucks plus of change.. In the end i closed table 4 and gave them bout 60 bucks of change.. Ne Ne Ne~~~~~~ T___T
The things i said today are juz some stuff, hope euu no take it to heart ya? Cos after a yr plus le, e gd stuff are better left unsaid cos they can onli be felt. = )
3:38 AM
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Was late for work today again.. ArggGHx!! Duno wads wrong with me recently.. Woke up early to go cut hair and even had time to go coffeeshop eat chicken rice ALONE but not enuff time to reach work on time? Damn it.. loLX.. 2nd time this week i attempted the act of sneaking into the office during briefing with the hope that Davis wun notice me.. (But of cos.. Unsuccessful!!)
Attempted being runner today with Jennifer.. LolX.. Sounds easy actually... And its not tt hard actually.. I went to do delivery to Carriage bar 2 times as well.. OOOO~ There retro night.. All aunties but they have cute waiters. Lolx.. I guess i made my colleagues (-_-; )
Went to meet Dearie after work today.. Hurhur.. Been quite some time since we been able to meet up to have a proper talk.. = ) No worries dearie.. I wun tell him tt i know about it.. Ur qian tu.. I gettit.. *sharpens knife in the backgrD* Lolx.. Went to eat sushi =D~~ Was sooooo hungry since i onli had my dinner quite early... Hurhur. Of cos.. Camwhoring is part and parcel as well.. = D
Emo Kid.. Looks more like sleepy kid though

Imma v proud of this pic.. Ali looks even more gorgeous = D Ali loves this pic too loLX

This is a rather scary pIc. LOlx.. Notice my right eye.. Looks bigger or the lashes are more different? Thanks to the Mascara Dearie brought.. Has 12X de volume? Lolx! And.. Maybe pic not so clear but its really amazing..!

The shocking Mascara!
Had a hell of a weird dream the other day.. In this dream i dreamt tt Tonkichi called me asking me if i can work today. In the dream i was still a part timer and my frds were working there as well.. I woke up from the dream feeling damn happy like it was the happiest thing to go to work there.. The old feeling of what i felt when i 1st started came back.. But it took onli less den a min to WHAM~! Me back to reality.. Hmm they say dreams often reflect real life.. is that so?
2:54 AM
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
2:47 AM
Monday, August 06, 2007
Its our OFF day molo.. ^^
I haven been working that much as in OT this week... But i guess it has been stress and tiring for sweets.. Cos he took my OT and had extra himself.. So.. Have a gd rest!
Saw a interesting ad on this van on my way back juz now.. "HOUSE REMOVAL?? *Ban Jia* We also buying and we also selling furniture, ok?" lOlz.. Wad kinda advertisment ish tt? Anyway Ban Jia and err house removal? Kinda far apart ya?
Anyways decided to upload some pics up bah.. Been kinda long since i've uploaded pics.. A picture speaks of a thousand wordS~
Imma with Dearie~ ^^ No matter what i'll always be with ya to listen and care ya? So muz tink positive and dun hestitate to look for me if euu need someone~
These are the cakes tt Yi and Mi went to try at Paragon cos Suzanne said it was nice.. Woosh.. Looking at them, it onli spells sinful and ... Yummylicious? Lolx! They are indeed nice.. juz tt the pricing is a bit steep.. $7 for the strawberry cake and $6 for the dark Choco one.. lOlx
This is one err... Random horrifying pic
A pic which i like~
This was taken at Swensens during Shiling's bday~ LolZ Thats the firehse and thats the balloons! For more info how come the firehse came about after we billed, refer to the front ya~
The 4 Gals!

The 4 Guys!
Bu neng shuo ni mi mi.. I know wads the secret already~ Went to watch it with LS last sat.. Itssss.. Hmm.. I like the feeling whereby it brings me back memories of first love when everything was so pure and innocent. = ) But den e ending of the story.. kinda DUMB...
In comparison, i guess Knocked Up and Simpsons were much nicer.. Sometimes when euu bring high hopes for a particular movie, it may drop below ur expectations.. (not indicating Hitmitsu movie... LOLX) but sometimes when euu juz casually watch something it will bring euu more surprises den euu ever know~
Yea.. Movie marathon.. but i like it.. ((:
Time to change my blog skiNz~ sooooooon....
Sometimes we wonder, was it me who stopped making any efforts, or was it me who stopped trying or perhaps its juz tt the reality and facts juz came back to my face after the fog have dispersed?
2:23 AM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Watched Simpsons today with Yi and Sweets loLx.. Was very funny and kinda went above my expectations.. lOlz.. The show was about 2 hr and yea so its worth the 7.50 for the tiX.. = D Though the jokes were lame and stuff but den its simple to uds and it met the point of making people loLx. Good One!Yesterday went to celebrate Shiling's bday.. Went to Pitchblack but den realised they din have any main course.. The food there sux and the drinks also sux.. SighZ.. So we decided to go swensens for a proper meal.. Who knows.. Swensens had lousy service.. The food ordered came wrongly, the drinks were ordered wrongly and the staff slammed the cups by the tray at the side table and gave us attitude after that.. The beef was too well cook, the chicken was not well cooked and Yi's drink nv came..
I did something Hardcore... I gave feedback to the manager directly regarding their service.. LolX. The manager waived us of our 10% svc charge and gave us a firehse cos its Shiling's bday.. LolX.. The manager was quite nice so yea.. Everything ended quite okie..Went to Tung Shui After tt to cut cake.. = D GreAt! Hope Ling enjoyed our bday wishes.. = ) Upload the pictures later on bah!.. Too tired already.. LolSchedule for next week will be out soon..Stalker~ I have already made the changes~~ Lala~~Molo working morning shift again.. Wonderful~.. ZZZzZZzZZ
11:44 PM