Tuesday, March 27, 2007
With Response To Jessica's Tagging Game~~
This is what you are supposed to cut and paste if you decide to participate in the tagging game. Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog.
1) I have the habit of saving the best for the last in all my meals and whatever i eat.. (EG chicken rice i'll finish all the rice 1st and leave the chicken meats all intact until the last bit) I also love to eat ladies fingers and all kinds of mushrooms loLz. BUT I DISLIKE POTATOES AND BANDUNGGGG!!!!
2) When imma tired i can juz drop to sleep any minute anywhere without any warning.. So euu gettit tt i might sudd juz drop asleep when i was talking to euu the minute b4..
3) I have this phobia of all hospital related stuff.. Dun ask me why.. Everything from the ambulance to the hospital to even stretchers can freak me out even landing mi in tears at time.. Perhaps its a childhood traumatisation? Lolz
4) I have this weird habit of naming all my soft toys names and talking to them as though they are alive.. Sometimes i also have the habit of bringing one of them out in my bag suddenly.. Lolz.. Onli child de side of me?
5) ALRIGHT THANKS S FOR REMINDING ME THAT i have this weird laughter pattern that i will juz sudd laugh in a really loud and scary tone varying from "hee hee" to "hohoho" to "wahhahaha"~ Den i will juz sudd cut quiet and.. Count to 5 secs i'll restart all over again~~ ZzZ
6) All gals should like guys to treat them like a princess and stuff right? I would prefer guys who not treat me soooo very nice all the time.. Making mi snap one min and = ) in the next minute. Cos why? Good guys dun last all the time.. LoLZ!! (alright tt is a fact)
friends who are tagged - Qin, Da Jie, Yi, Von, Ali, Col
3:14 AM
Hmm finally decided to link the gals up with me.. = D
2:34 AM
Realised that i haven been online for like quite a no of days.. Lolz.. Good that imma resting more instead of being online all the time.. = )
Have had quite a series of happening events over the past few days.. LoLz.. Met up with friends for tea and stuff.. Wanted to go to the temple to pray but yeah gd job.. Woke up with a splitting headache on sunday so it was off..
yeah so happy tt qin asked me when i off this week.. but sooo sad tt we din haf the same off day.. So we can onli haf a little tea session tgt.. SadZ~~ Lolz..
2:20 AM

Surprise! Nice stary king ring holder from sweets today.. = ) Holds all my keys properly and i Finally no haf to dig for my keys everytime i need them.. Thankies! = )
2:16 AM

This is a really nice cake from bakerzin given by a customer.. = ) hurhur.. Its not about the cake but its about the satisfaction when a customer appreciates ur service.. = )
2:13 AM

My new Hp accessory.. Col bought it for me = D Kawaii~! Was thinking of wad name to call it when Shyan named him as Dirtbag.... =_= Lidat?!
2:08 AM

Black cat and me.. Gosh.. after the canoeing tt day.. I tink she looks really black catish.. lolz
2:06 AM

Yi and me bought this pair of rings that had the word "best" and "friends" on each one of it.. Cool! Feels sweet to do this kinda girlie stuff with a friend at times ya! = )
2:02 AM

Ali and me.. Biatches in green = X Lolz
2:00 AM
Friday, March 23, 2007
Stepped outta my hse den ALi told mi that they wanna change the meeting time to 5pm.. lol Great.. Went for a haircut.. Quite satisfied with it.. Though i look a few yrs younger with it.. Lolz.. Change a hairstyle for a new week after off day! = )
3:14 AM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
How can anyone be so bu yao lian???
Utterly speechless..~
i gettit that nothing matters anymore HAHA
2:09 PM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
**~ Love All, Trust A Few.. Do Wrong To None ~**
2:08 AM
Monday, March 19, 2007
Just Met up with Qin at mac for Tea session.. Camwhore took the better of us as the night went on.. Here's fresh from the oven!
Hang on there gal! euu know imma always here! = )
4:23 AM

Think we will look like Col's fav pose if our eyes are shut! X )))
4:22 AM

This is fav amongst all of iT~ Lolz.. We look so whacky tt i cannot help but LOL everytime i see it~!
Great my back is aching and so is my blue black.. Lolz.. Isetan day is busy but well, time flies like that.. And seriously stop telling me about the management issues lar.. getting zzz of hearing the same ting over and over.. SIGH~
2:26 AM
Neo printyyy~
Took a couple of neoprints with Tai Chen and Yi over the past 2 days.. LoLZ.. Crazzzzyy~~ To spend money like this i know.. But well.. Juz for memory's sake.. =) Gosh dun we look silly in some of it! LolZ!
2:22 AM
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Yea~~ going out for dinner with yi.. Girlie day.. haha~
Dressed kinda not-so-me today.. haha realised i have a pair of tights tt i din wear.. Hiak hiak! Time to try something different today.. With my applelicious today.. cheers!
6:23 PM
Monday, March 12, 2007
Haven been online for quite sometime.. Lolz..
Met up with Yogi. . I mean Jialing and Jessica with the rest of us at changing appetites for dinner on friday.. It was fun to meet up with them after so longg.. Lolz.. Had an enjoyable night with laughter from me.. me.. and more me.. I guess haha.. Was haunting them the whole night about the yogi bear joke.. Lolz..
The guys went to cycle after tt and i went to meet yi and Liang Shing for tea at hougang.. Den went over to seng kang to play at the playgrd there. I wonder if its times have changed or somthing.. But the playground is def more high tech and comes in alot more variety than wad we had during my times.. Lolz.. Should bring the rest to check it out there. Cool
Sat was work and work and work.. Shagged.. Oh great.. Lots of weird customers tt day.. Went for prata with almost all of the colleagues and had some pool after tt.. Saw some youngsters fighting outside the 7-11 near heeren.. yes great.. Blood on the floor and a lying young man with blood all over his head.. yes terrific! Wad a great sight...
Was rather pek chek and tired of this particular issue... How much more longer does it haf to drag on... I din want to make things seem like too childish tt was why i din purposely give euu the cold shoulder.. Cos i tot tt since fr the 1st day i have already told euu its a NO it should remain that way aint it? If thing will happen it will.. Din expect tt it will give euu the impression tt i feel something for euu.. Maybe i mislead euu in someway, imma sorry in tt way.. Din mean to, juz that i din want to act like a kid and act all weird and cold arnd euu.. So silly right! Even though sometimes euu are obviously yuan qi and dun uds why jealous over nothing.. Which serves no purpose and which at the very base line, I have told euu tt euu are not even half as good as him.. I treat everyone juz the same, if euu think tt it means something extra den live in ur own world of imagination den.. Tt is wad euu think anyway...
Anyway, good people are hard to be.. So if euu wan me to give euu the cold shoulder den imma all on for it.. If giving euu the cold shoulder is the onli way out.. Den alright by me.. =_=
1:47 AM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Sentosa Trip 2007
Went for Sentosa trip with colleagues and co yesterday cos its Isetan day.. haha~ Had loads of fun.. Was supposingly to meet up at 10am at harbourfront station but ended up being late cos someone came over late LOL~ luckily they did away with the treating of breakfast thing for latecomers LOlz..
Went to the beach and played volleyball (Or rather i tink its more of like trying to play in whatever way to get the ball across the net LOL).. Freesbie also.. Ali, Bunny, black cat. mau and me were playing freesbie near some eng moh and we were trying to do some weird thing there lar.. loL (gals secret) Den went to inbask in the water as well.. Can say tt i haven done tt for super long so the feeling is actually v shiokkk.. haha.. But den.. Er.. Due to my own blurness.. had some kinda accident there and exposure.. Thanks to Sweets for err.. Stripping and lending mi the shorts lah haha..
Went to shower and went for the tram ride with Ali to get some ben and jerry's COOL~ Went to sit in this special ride tt includes a skyline ride and a gocart to take euu down the hill.. Damn cool! Kinda scary though haha.. but its worth a try lah lol. Cannot imagine where did the courage come for those pple who try bungee jumping.. Lolz..
Went back to Thomson for dinner cum tea at prata hse after tt.. Hope tt next time there will be more of this kinda trips if possible! ^^
1:39 AM

My most ever daring pic with Shyan haha!!
1:38 AM

Shyan has a GG expression haha!
1:37 AM

There's a reason why David has this expression. . But imma not telling euu why! haha
1:35 AM

Though this pic has a exotic effect but i still like it haha
1:33 AM

yeah nooo doubts ali's turn! haha
1:31 AM

Tai chen, david and a bunny with a weird expression haha
1:29 AM

All shagged and tired after the trip.. Waiting to board the bus to Thomson to go for tonkichi's dinner haha!
1:25 AM

We went to sit on this ride called skyline or something.. Its juz like those stuff euu see on tvs.. Sitting on a chair and den with ur legs dangling up there juz travelling upwards along the hill top.. The view is tremendous but den the height is also OMG!! haha.. Esp with a halfnaked guy beside euu shaking the chair constantly its def not appealling at all.. Scared the shit outta Me Ting and Ali.. LoLZ~ But den managed to captured a few pics still lar~
When euu reach the top of the hill, euu are supposed to travel down in a so called mini ski kinda thing.. That was great fun! reminds me of gocart though! haha No wonder they have unlimted rides de package as well.. Now i gettit..
Onli thing is.. SAD~~ Din manage to go underwater world and carlsberg tower..~ Sob sob.. next time def muz go see see again! Hurhur
1:14 AM

Bird's eye view from the top of trees when euu are dangling somewhere up there haha!
1:12 AM

Ali and me on the tram ride on the way to get drinks and ben and jerry's! Haha! The rest went cycling and stuff so. . Its self entertainment time! haha! Camwhore in action~ x)
1:10 AM
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Hui Yi's Bday~
Went to Marche for dinner at Vivo city on Yi's bday.. Well, the new marche was kinda disappointing cos they actually took away lots of the other stuff tt used to be on e menu.. but o well. Wadever, cos they still had the same concept so everyone just ate their stuff.. (NO doubts lots of rosti on the table) POTATO~!! Eeeks! LoLZ.. Adequate is okie but too much of it is sickening.. LOlz.. But oh well, everyone had some cos its kinda like the zhao pai cai of marche..
Next time muz go try Hei She Hui also.. Hurhur~
1:34 AM