Friday, December 29, 2006
Today's Isetan day! As expected.. Busy busy busy... Already expected today to be a FIRE day so slept early last night.. After blogging last night still decided to FIRE! Or rather just be happy and simple.. Anyway, The queue started since 12 plus.. My gawd! We onli managed to eat at bout 4plus pm lol.. Can imagine whole restaurant full of hungry workers.. LOlz
To make matters worse, stupid shit got customer ran bill Sigh... $80 plus bucks... (cursing behind) Can euu hear my heart bleeding? Lolz Cos i was the morning cashier.. Think everyone work until floating mode already cos there was wrong billing, wrong settlement, wrong wrong wrong! everything was wrong~ ArgHZ~ So dao mei~ ~!
Anyway night crowd also busy but luckily customers not v troublesome and operation was smooth.. Somehow the feeling of working tonight was not quite right? How come??? Hmmm...
Looking forward to my off day! = )
12:46 AM
If euu work in tonkichi and euu stared at the figure on the top.. Euu can uds why this pic is here! So nan de that we can see a 5 digit that i had to take a pic of this moment! Lolz

12:45 AM
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Starting to read Death Note de comics after i borrowed them from Sweet's hse yesterday.. Cool! I think the characters inside are so cool and the death god looks exactly like e one in the movie! LolzWas thinking about a ques that a frd asked mi a few days back...Been asking myself that question... LoLZPeople always say that one should fight for their own happiness..Its true, but when someonetimes one work and fight so hard, there will come to be a time when everything comes to a slow pace.. That's when euu feel tired... That's when euu start thinking how much longer can euu FIRE?? How much longer can euu make effort or something?Maybe when that time comes.. Its time to give up.. Maybe when euu start thinking of giving up euu will come up with reasons to support like.. Giving up is good cos the other party wun recipocate and perhaps he / she is just waiting for euu to give it all up.. Maybe the other party tells euu to go for other guys / gals that will be a great hint to juz go ahead... Maybe when he / she dun give a damn about euu.. Den euu confirm know maybe its time..Den one will slow down and think.. Are euu enjoying time and memories with the other party? If euu nod nod.. Den perhaps euu would stop and think twice about the earlier stuff again LoLZFire? Or ash?
12:55 AM
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
The day when L got sort of traumatised by us... LOL A GGNR holding his hands and next day putting a xmas cap on him.. LOL.. Poor L wad a exotic xmas he muz haf had~ lol

1:10 AM
me and Karen.. Btw we were at the shaw hse toilet.. LOL

1:02 AM
Gals out at christmas! Notice the L necklace on yi.. lol

12:58 AM
Friday, December 22, 2006
Shagged day today... We did about 7K today.. Celine's dad was hospitalised and thus i did 10am - 10 pm to stand in for her.. Din sleep much the night b4 cos i din know my fire would have to burn for whole day.. And so last min at 3Pm den i got to know i have to fire whole day.. Sigh.. Shagged lol.. Wadever FIRE i have have already all extinguished and burnt into ashes.. lol... Din know closing also can do until nearly 12am today.. My gawd! But feel a bit bad towards auntie cos she missed her last train and had to take a bus home.. = (A lot of carpark customers and Thong kept making wrong orders or something..ArgHHhz! But then glad that overall operation still smooth...Looking for a gd place to go for dinner on Xmas eve.. Any suggestions anyone? = )
2:06 AM
Thursday, December 21, 2006

all my presents for 2006~ = )
2:22 AM

This is Squishy aka sweets aka kang aka BFS aka .. Picture of the century! Cos he nv seldom take pics! LolZ..
2:10 AM

Yi says Jiunwei here took the image in a v pro mannner.. Smile, look up and eyes open wide..
2:09 AM

I'm with my b..e.e...e.r. . .
1:50 AM
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Birthday Pics will be rolling in really soon yea?
2:28 AM