Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Watched Death Note with hao, ling, jiun wei, karen on friday at vivo city.. Though i watched the same show 2 days in a row but... Still enjoyed it.. Cos i took the opportunity to uds more of the details that i missed out when i watched the 1st time.. Hee.. Went to eat tian ji porridge after tt.. eat halfway fatimah came to take down car plate no.. Everyone eat le horrr escape home.. hehe..Started working full time at tonkichi from saturday.. Feels like doing workout everyday LOL... ZenG.. Weekend hit 9K.. =_=! Morning shift already had a queue when i was there.. Hmmm.. 1st time working with Audrey... *stare* No comments... After work me, squishy, shyan and naoko went to American pub de bar for a drink.. Zeng.. Stepped into a posh club on courtesy of naoko san of cos.. hee Hee.. The pub was really nice.. They served popcorn and peanuts and we had a nice drink and she was sooooo nice to send us home.. hehe..Sunday played MJ .. Er... We up the beTs by a time of wad we usually played and i won bout $40.. thank euu everyone. Today worked early shift again.. 1st time wearing the jacket as part of my uniform... So bu xi guan.. and everyone also felt funny.. Nmind.. LOL.. i finally had broader shoulders!! = D ZzZ. After work went to meet hao and squishy... 2pid hao.. kena my toe with our shaw hse de door.. LOL.. Always step on the same toe or kena same toe.. next time must Fire! Walk behind or beside him or wear shoes!! LOL Watched DOA after work with hao, shyan, wendi, and squishy.. Wow.. The show. HOT HOT and HOT! haha.. Sexy babes.. Has my fav Devon Aoki.. (dunno if the spelling is right..) and Holly valance is hot! Shit.. I sound like some tiko pek.. Anyway the show was not bad overall, with the moves and the sexpots were def a bonus! hehe.. met qin after the show to go eat dinner at suntec.. = ) Played pool after tt.. and the guys are gg play soccer.. LOLHmm.. Molo and wed do 11-9.. help me.. Thurs 10-3.. My gawd!! I think i need to zzZ!! haha..
12:29 AM
home made pie with chicken, diced carrot, and button mushroom!

3:16 AM
Thursday, October 19, 2006
emotional...Today's the 18 of Oct.. Which will mark the last day of my life in PTO...Went to work at 10am today... Not bad.. Been quite long since i arrived late LOL~ Taught Shirley the rest of the stuff that i could... Clearing their pigeon holes for the last time.. And taking pics with some of the advisers for the first and last time.. Today i think i put in extra 200% for all the tasks that was allocated to me.. Went for lunch with the rest of the gang... Had rice at golden cafe.. God am i going to miss all the wonderful food at tanjong pagar.. My fav amara hotel de tom yam.. Curry noodle.. prata and teh ice~ The gang went for CA outing.. Shiok~Today's fav sentence: Hey, today's my last day~ Take Care!Their fav question: HUH??? Why??? Must take care too! So wad u be doing after this?My ans: F and B!Was surpirsed to see siew hui in office as Darric's candidate.. Not bad not bad.. Its really a super small world.. Too bad din have much time to catch up cos Ming Quan lao ban called and ask mi go down have tea with him... So sweet.. In the end Darric also came and the 3 of us had teh ice...Helped Shirley to move all her stuff to the other side of the office.. Passed her the keys and packed up all my stuff.. I really hope that she will cont to maintain the stuff which i haf done up... Afterall its all my efforts for this whole year.. Looked at the office one b4 i left.. Will always rem all the beautiful scenery.. The day when we saw the rainbow.. The fun and chatty advisers and all the rest of the wonderful memories there..Met Peter downstairs and he gave mi a handshake.. Told me that PTO will always be open for me.. Well.. Kinda touched by wad he said.. Perhaps its the melanchony music that the cab was playing on my way to borders... Or perhaps its the words that Peter said.. Perhaps its the memories or perhaps its just everything together.. I nv tot tt it might happen.. Cos i told qi i wun.. But somehow.. Got a little emotional in e cab.. Think i might haf made the uncle *choke*..Had a nice dinner at Sakae sushi.. But din eat much.. Next time cannot drink coffee b4 dinner.. LOL... They say eating sweet stuff like choco will cheer one up.. I dun really fancy choco... So bought myself a lime vanilla ice cream at 7-11.. Indulging in the sin at bout 2am now hee hee.. But well, its a reward for myself!Cheers PTO~ ^_^
1:48 AM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
RealisationThere's a friend of mine who likes to constantly make mi snap.. Sigh.. After last night i suddenly realised that i don't have to actually put up with all this.. Its not that i want to constantly snap, But sometimes it wouldn't kill to show a little bit of appreciation or to at least not make mi snap when a kindness has been made..? It wouldn't hurt to actually just let me win sometimes and not having to make mi lose it everytime? Perhaps i am not the only frd that euu teat this way but sometimes it can really get really irritating.. I know euu are humourous and stuff, but sometimes perhaps euu should reconsider the way euu treat frds... i dun have to put up with this.. I know i don't.. = (
1:02 PM
The past week have been going by in a daze.. haha.. haf no idea what's going on... Falling sick on monday and going tonkichi worK.. ZzZ..
Tuesday Qin and Me acc hao go bugis shopping for wallet.. Den met wendi go his coffeeshop for nice nice crab bee hoon, pork bone rib and veggie~ Hurhur~! Thanks hao for the lovely meal!
Wed was movie day at vivo City! woo... Full of anticipation bout there.. It was really big there.. But then shops open were okie lah.. Not much places to eat.. haha.. A lot of shops not open yet.. haha... Went to watch euu m and dupreee with Shyan Kang Hao Wendi and Yi.. A really cute movie! ^_^
Thurs was working day.. ZzZzzZ... Managed to meet up with hao's CoCo doggie at S11.. Hmm. Not bad to my liking.. Not very active like Jodi.. Gulp... Kawaii~! Gt a firm butt as welll.. LooOks sooo cute when its sleepy.. haha.. Next time i wanna try carrying it! HoHo
Yest was working day as well.. Was qin's last day.. Sob sob.. Gotta miss the years working with her.. Busy Busy den went to meet hao, yi, kang and shyan for supper at geylang.. Dun as me why we ended up at changi airport but we did.. LoL.. Walked an eeire passageway from terminal 1 to terminal 2.. Eeks.. (Not scary but the idiots kept scaring us so.... yah i know squishy muz be thinking.. WEAK!)
Today's the last weekend that I'm not working.. Sigh.. Meeting yi later go Hg try out the fish soup at Hao's coffeeshop.. Den tonight going woo hoo hoo with hao, ming, Joe, Qin, Yi and Me... Been soooo long since i went woo hoo hoo.. Going to try cube.. (no doubts poor poor so go the cheap cheap route.. LoL~)
To Qin: Good luck to euu in your new job! haha Jia YOu~~~!
12:17 PM