Wednesday, August 30, 2006
A simple guide to being a new colleague at a new working environment
Dear guys and gals reading my blog here, here's a simple few pointers to note when euu are a newbie in a new working environment:
1) Never ever assume.. Always ask when in doubt
2) Never act smart. Sometimes its better to keep quiet den to tok crap all the time
3) Never act out of the duties tt are assigned to euu at that point of time until euu are sure of the procedures.
4) Never think that euu are older or haf much more exp thus think that euu can control pple immediately
5) Never yi lao mai lao esp in areas which the topic is not much of your knowledge
6) Never interfere and give unnesscery comments with ur new colleague's personal life too much
7) Never try too hard and expect pple to let euu blend into the new community totally
8) And most importantly.. NEVER offend or make any of your colleagues SNAP at any point of time, euu nv know when euu might need their help.. = )
Above is a subjective point of view from me.. Differs from person to person
1:03 AM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
I realise.. Its 2 more days to working a year at PTO Prudential...
2:11 PM
Trio At Chicken Rice Store (with the looks of the uncle and auntie lol)

1:23 PM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Received a box of tea from Gerald who just came back from Bali Trip.. HurHur... Though there were only 2 sachets of tea in the box.. But the box itself came with a hand painted graphics and hand made box.. = )
Sometimes it does not matter the gift is expensive or cheap... Its the tot tt counts..? The thought that someone gives mi something to shop mi appreciation is worth more than anything else.. = )
12:31 AM
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
-= Thought for the night =-Was just wondering, what do we really define and want in a relationship? We often have a image of a particular type of gal / guy that we like... But look back, how many of us realy have been tgt with the particular type of gal or guy we are looking for? Maybe just a couple or a handful if you have many past relationships... HahaGuess it still boils down to chemistry and communication at the end of the day.. Nothing beats having someone who can really understand and communicate well with you when you get back home tired from work. Some people may seek for partners with common interest... But dies it really matter so much? So what if one like to play mahjOng but the other duno how to play? So what if one is sporty while the other cheers on? Common interest can be built up slowly with understanding and spending quality time tgt...Next time, try to use ur heart instead of yr eyes to see someone.. = )
4:19 AM
Yummy Licious Nasi Lemak!

4:06 AM
Try Spotting Kang In the Pic? = P

4:05 AM
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Realising that its been a while since I've done some updates to my blog... Well, been busy lately.. Not quite with work, considering that i dun haf to go office from tues to friday... Was rather busy with activities recently bah.. Meeting tonkichi colleagues for tea.. meeting sisters for dinner and K and Mj.. Haha.. Yup, no doubt.. Can see clearly where my money went to...Dropped my wallet in a cab last... Sat after meeting the guys for tea... Think i'm quite used to it already, considering the no of times i actually lost my wallet.. Well, should i say its an annual "event"? haha... Well, received a call from comfort lost and found that my wallet has been found.. Phew! Will def be even more careful with my belongings le ba~! = ) Btw my Ic no came out in tonight's 4D.. Mum harping on tt she din buy my Ic nO... hee~Qin did a miracle last week during MJ... Amazing~ Her Shi San Yao made everyone drop jaws.. Beautiful beautiful~~ Haha.. For more details u can check out her blog which is linked to mine..> haha at least next time if pple ask me if i haf friends who haf did 13 yao i can always say her name out! ^^Monday was supposed to be peaceful... But not for YongKang, Celine and me who were roaming about the streets of tanjong pagar on a monday night, trying to explore the exotic pubs of singapore like "why not".. Those who know what i mean will know lor Haha... Had prata and chatted until 6am at Fuji Xerox Towers b4 heading for home... Amazing!~ Cos i din think that we would have so much crap and stuff to tok about! Got to know more about kang and celine that day.. Interesting stuff which i would like to shhh~ Like the Pink and the Red and H o l e s~ Haha.. = XAnyways, honestly speaking the thought of resigning keep popping out in my head these days.. But holding on to it for i know tat i needa income and this job is flexible which is suitable.. I dunno what is making mi dread gg work all the time these few months.. Perhaps i haf had enuff of my Boss de attitude at times? But den honestly speaking he has been v kind and tolerate with me already... Come to think of it, maybe i haf reached the bottleneck of my life as a PA in prudential. Knowing a lot and those challenging stuff sudd seems not so anymore.. Sigh~ Even thinking twice of my M9 paper now.. Perhaps its really time to rethink about what i wanna pursue again.. = )Steamboat Tomorrow!! =D
3:30 AM
Monday, August 07, 2006
Looks a bit yucky but.. Its nice!

12:37 AM
Food food and more food... Gawd they are not paying mi for promoting this for them!

12:31 AM
Had loads of Yummylicious food tt day at Cathay Xing Wang cha can ting! ^^

12:30 AM
Mi and Yi Acting cute In a KTV session

12:29 AM