Saturday, September 24, 2005
Had a good chaT last night on e phOne..hMm.. Wad to say, was pondering over wad was said.. Perhaps tt was why i couldn't ZZz last night.. Happy that one has finally try to let go and to look out for greener pastures out there.. But Made mi wonder if... Does it really have to be so that the thing u want most.. Is the thing that you couldn't get no matter what you do..? I really dunno..There's always just a thin line between frds and relationships... Its up to pple to maintain the bond and see... Perhaps when one relies on another person too much, its time to loosen.. For the person will definetly not be there all e time.. Maybe once.. Twice.. 10 Times.. But then... That's e way things work...
~~~I will learn to gradually drift away from you by e end of e year~~~
The past week..~~ Celebrated Steven's bday last thurs.. Went for steamboat at marina bay.. Den played bowling after tt at marina bay.. (As usual~) haha.. Had fun celebrating with the gang..
Due to Da jie's call, we ended up having a post celebration of mid authum festival at OAA's hse.. = D Bought mooncakes and lanterns.. Played with sparkles and had a little sis gathering.. Haha.. Of cos, with Da Ji's sexy back, who could resist? =D~~~ WhooPs~~ I sense knives flying towards me...~~
Screwed up things with my work today.. HaiZ~~ All i can say is.. Its a mistake i should have never made.. haha.. Blame it on all my blurnes.s.. But will take note next time..
1:39 AM
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Have some spare time on my hands today before i turn into my bed.. So shall do a little blogging here.. This week as usual, is a packed week, with tonkichi, steven's bday and other stuffs going on.. ZzZ Feeling exhausted at the tot of it.. Inquired by a friend's experience recently, it was suddenly clear tt at times, pple make decisions that they may regret in the future... But at the same time, we know that time waits for no one... When one comes around to realise that they might have let the most precious thing by far slip pass them.. They can perhaps no longer reach out for it... For perhaps it may be a few days, a few weeks or even a few mths.. Things change rapidly around uS.. Perhaps we can no longer go back to the past... But i guess wads impt is.. To try and move into the future.. For sticking to the current will not make time stay... Undoing mistakes that can still be done.. For... Maybe when the instant when we have already decided to let go of the hand, to give it up, it was already never meant to be...=[ The thing that we want most in life is usually something that we cannot get... ]=Sleeping time!
12:01 AM
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Started working as a Personal Asst in Prudential last week.. Managed to survive the whole week~ ^^ Well, gotta be kinda bao ka liao over there.. From sending mooncake, repairing boss's fone, mailing items, updating d/b, filing, paste receipts.. haha! Well.. But my ultimate is writing bday cards! haha.. Well... Can say is.. Easy money bahz... Until now haven met up with any major diffculties.. Though most of e time i am left to survive on myselF... Zi sheng zi mie~ haha!Went bowling last friday with my Jie meis and SC's gang... SC rented a car.. Went to Bukit Panjang and the 2 SC started to figure out how to get the sms thing going.. haha.. Though we received a few curious stares at passerbys in e carpark.. (wads a kid doing in a driver sit!) haha.. But den we still managed to Pick up peh, steven and Tiandi.. Went to geylang where we actually had a gd meal there.. = D Well.. The rest of e gang were being weird.. Yeah.. i know.. Bout the thing b/w steven and me?! (Clarify! Nothing's going on.. They think 2 much yeah?~) Went to eat beancurd and the rest had durian.. After tt tried to make our way to marina south to play bowling.. (After sooooo long driving!)Lost a few rnds of bowling to the gang.. Poor Peh got to drink his Coke + A LOT of salt~ (He LM~~!) haha.. After tt went driving down to somerset to had a little supper.. Den Home sweet home~~~ *for more details, kindly click on "alvinzzz" link on e right! hahaCelebrated Zhi's bday just now.. Went for dinner at NYDC and went party world after tt.. Though it was a short yet meaningful gathering.. = ) Everyone had fun there.. Its gd to see everyone once in a while yah? Haha!Well, guess i might be updating my blog lesser in e week.. Cos.. Gotta be really packed with work! Ciaoz!
1:40 AM
Me and Wendi.. Wah lao.. all e pimples can be seen nor!

1:38 AM