Thursday, July 21, 2005
i Did something crazy this morning... Well.. Links are passable, so i shall nt say wad it is... U come ask me lor.. Hmmm, call mi irresponsible if u like, but den i still paid to do it okie~ So not of loss to me.. Well, judging at the timing i post this entry, if ya smart, ya can already guess wad i kinda did.. haha.. Well, i also duno why i behave this way.. Cos its onli been like for days.. Haha~
24/6..... 4? = X
2:00 PM
Sunday, July 17, 2005
9:43 AM
Its A vs S! haha~ Conclusion from this pic.. (Oily faces!) haha

1:55 AM
Round 4 for S... Haha.. Er.. i WOn?!

1:53 AM
Round 3 for S (Finally better)

1:52 AM
Round 2 for A... (Lemme 1)

1:51 AM
Erm.. Niu Nai Jumping over shu wei~

1:38 AM
after Scolding.. Looks better

12:26 AM
Me and TianDi.. She's so pretty.. haha

12:22 AM
yan and qin on e way home~

1:45 AM