Tuesday, June 28, 2005
=[ Short One ]=
Just to shortly update tt.. I might not haf enuff time to update my blog recently. Quite occupied and bz with preparing for the BIG day on sat.. For those pals who have contributed to e pressie, dun worry.. I'll upload the pics of those pressies after sat okie.. ^^
3:51 AM
Thursday, June 23, 2005
=[ Starry night ]=
It was drizzling as i went to work at 12pm... Poor gals.. I saw them sitting on the wet floor, obviously tired yet determined.. They dun even mind setting loads of newspaper on e floor, or just to sit on some torn and tattered cardboard box.. WHY?? Cos.. It was the very much anticipated day.. It was the permier of inital D.. Jay, edison, shawn and Anthony would be walking the red carpet at 8pm.. And i guess e best time for us to take pics would be when they were on their way to climb the escalator up.. Hur!
Plan A and B were executed.. Screams could be heard from level 5 as Edison wore a green shirt and breezed into the red carpet.. WOO! The min he took the escalator up, anxious wendi and mi zoom to take pics of him.. Awww~~ His smug yet boyish grin muz have swept many gals off their feet...
Soon after, Shawn Yue appeared in a checked shirt.. Similiarly, ZOOM!! Take pic of him.. Heh.. He was a much more diff style of guy from Edison.. But his deep and manly look oso made us..
= D~~~
Anthony Ong appeared in a black formal short and pants with black shades.. (looked more like hei bang lao da) That 1 not in particular interest... Left that to ah ni and coleen to cheong~ haha!!
The anticipation bulit up min by min.. Gals inside the restaurant were like being on standby.. Once the cue is given, the run would begin.. Haha.. AHHH~~ Loud screams were heard from Level 1.. And YES! JAY CHOU finally appeared~~ Half of the restaurant pple inc mi and wendi Zoomed to the escalator.. To grab the best spot for shooting Jay.. Heh.. He was dressed in a white shirt with flowery design~~ AwW~ So cool.. Even though i was not a avid fan of Jay, i was also deeply mesmerized by this charm and his coolness... Guys and gals arnd me Screamed and shouted his name, juz in order to get his attention to just wave or smile at them.. Xing Fu!!!
I guess the onli person to be frustrated bout the whole event would be calvin san bah.. Cos he still doesn't uds.. Why doeshis staff all go gaga over him.. leaving him to pour tea and serve fruits by himself.. !(#&_$*!+$
*** Pics are posted below.. Try ur best to pic their facial okie! haha***
3:11 AM
Heh.. Hurriedly took this pic b4 they tore down every of e poster downstairs.. Looks better den wad i took ya? = X

3:07 AM
Oh well.. Just a final pic of his butt.. (better den nth~)

3:06 AM
The anticipated jay... With ehh.. His face kena covered by the escalator handle.. Shit.. haha

3:05 AM
Another pic of Shawn Yue... Heh

3:04 AM
Shawn Yue.. My most successful pic of e night..

3:03 AM
Edison Chen!!!!! His back view and his.. Erm.. Side view?

3:02 AM
The crowd scene at bout 6pm.. This is onli a portion of it wor.. haha

3:00 AM
Silly pic of me in zhi ge's helmet.. Nothing better to do uh? looks like bomberman? (-_-|||)

1:01 AM
=[ DIT0101 Gathering ]=Met up with my poly frds for a gathering last friday at bishan... They were quite surprised, cos it has been a long long time ever since anyone initiated a big gathering outside.. LiSt of NYPians~- Me
- Qing Mei
- Fiona
- Adrian (Fiona's bf)
- Zhi Ge
- Tin Tin
- Zr
- Hao~
It was a pity tt lily couldn't make it... And of cus.. I believe though Rohan is no longer with us physically, but he would be glad to know we still keep in contact..
We had dinner at Pasta mania.. After tt we had nowhere to go.. So ended up going to a KTV session with them.. Well, it was kinda long ever since we went kTV as a class tt kinda thing..~ But overall.. It was very fun and enjoyable.. Got home at 12+am~ ^^
12:50 AM
Cheers to my dearest yan for queueing up for the energy cd with their autographs on it! = D

12:46 AM