Wednesday, March 09, 2005
=[ In The Office ]=This is my 1st time blogging inside my new office (after office hrs la of cos).. Heh... Currently working in a new auzzie company... RSP asia... Basically if ya guys wondering, i am a researcher inside the new company for semi conductor and logistics department.. Basically helping pple to find work lor..~ Heh~ Need help i'll try my best too! ^^ This company can be described as the most easy time passing and most erm... Freedom given company... 1) computer does not have anything banned.~ Heh! 2) Its a XP system with ur own printer... 3) u can eat at ur own pleasure time 4) 5 day work week with timing like 9-5.30.. HEH~~Time passes by here fast.. Though sometimes its tiring for the eyes to keep staring at the computer and zZzzZZZzZZzZZZ~ seeing so many resumes and how much they earn.. haiz.. wonder when will i be like them~~ haha~~~Anyway time to go off already~~ ^^ Ciaoz!
7:02 PM
Friday, March 04, 2005

~*~*~Natural Beauty~*~*~You're beauty is natural. You don't need make up or
high quality clothes to make you look nice. You
are most likely popular. Deep down you might
feel a little lonely because all you really
want is people to like you for YOU, not because
you're gorgeous. Don't worry, some people will
understand and see that you are a beautiful
person inside and out. You may have a lot of
friends, but perhaps only a few close friends.
Be careful who you trust. There are a lot of
decieving people out there who might use you
for your looks or popularity. Also, do not
judge people. Just because you're pretty
doesn't mean you should go and make others
feel inferior to you. ( I don't know if you
actually do that, but just in case you do
Please Rate or message me! Thank you for taking my
quiz! XoXo <3>
You're Beautiful...but why? ( PICS)brought to you by
2:51 AM
=[ DeVis ]=
Last night went to devils bar with my frds and colleagues.. Well.. Hard to believe but it was the 1st time i went clubbing.. haha~ Perhaps went juz for the sake of satisfying the curosity cat.. Anwyay next time start work liao oso no chance to go anymore.. Haha
Devils was quite alike in wad i have imagined to be.. Indeed a gd place to see hunks.. babes.. XA... Gays..~ haha~ We were stuck in a very dark and secluded seat at the corner. Alright lah.. At least it provided some kinda silence from the chaos outside..
Things were alright la.. Quite fun.. Drinks were drunk.. Some danced, some went on the lookout for their preys.. Haha.. I myself had a few more to drink.. And emotions and acTions got a little outta hand.. Haha~~ Perhaps i should have seen it coming eventually.. It was juz a matter of time tt it went out into the open.. I felt a little LM also.. In fact.. 4 of us felt LM... None of us wanted this to happen anyway.. But it was a fact, that at that point of time.. I wished that the feeling would go away with the alcohol.. But in fact it didn't.. Haha.. = (
Anyway.. We were all exhausted by the time 4+ came.. But qin still had the urge to dance.. So we acc her for a while more lOr.. Saw babes doing pole dance... Heh~ =D~ But also saw a -_- Guy.. He even invited Fei ye to go up to do pole dancing.. HAHA~! Duno wads his prob.. But he kept jioing mi to go to the bartop! (?!?!?!?) to dance with him.. OF cos.. i HORR~~ haha.. Onli qin went up with fei and ah heng lor..~ Crazy Night~~ Lao ren jia cannot take it.. haha
Today woke up at bout 1pm.. Met ah xiao to go for lunch.. Was supposed to go SSDC at 1st.. but den due to the rain.. we decided not to go ahead.. Haha~ Wait become Luo Tang JI.. Hao ye meh? hee..~ Went to the bank.. With the intention to change a new pass book and to change my ATM card.. Shun bian apply for the Debit card.. TMD! The si ah neh gal.. She got super s***** attitude lor! "U NV BRING UR PASS BOOK HOW TO CHANGE" TMD~ i ask ask onli she can say a better thing right?! Den when i told her i wanted to change ATM~ "WAD HAPPEN TO UR ATM CARD" kaoz! den.. "GIMME UR IC" Sickening.. Slam her face into the stamp pad den she know.. Den after duno wad yakking.. She finally did it for me..
After tt~ An amazing thing happened.. She sudd asked mi in a 360 deg change.. "You working or studying?" den i told her i was working.. She = D~ and started to phycho mi to join her duno wad plan la.. Kinda like a plan for u to start leaving $$ for ur family when u go 1 day~ to.. ~~ Ya know?~ WAH LAO! her attitude so bad juz now.. if i were to sign up for her... I muz be blind.. She kept pushing mi to sign up.. Heng i gou jian ding! Totally ignore mode on! haha! idiotic Bank! @#$%^&*()_
2:25 AM