Monday, September 29, 2003
hao so handsome today~!!!!
5:49 PM
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Yest was James' bday... Went out until beri late.. Today super seh.. Sleep is the onli thing i have in my mind.. haha
These few days expeirenced real life de "2 fast 2 furious.." Yest got 1 red car brake suddenly.. Making mi fly to the front of the car ji low.. Today better still.. i saw with my own eyes how h@o ducked the back of an idiotic van... Siam by the back of the car.. Woo!!! You jing Wu xian though... haha.. But this kinda thing cannot everyday play ah.. else sure Lan diao.. haha...
This morning saw the rose tt h@o gave finally opened a bit more... (hua dou kai hao le?) haha.. de de de de de~~ Oh ya.. Molo we all planning to get an MC... = D all pon work.. Den can zzz more.. else so seh!~! LM! haha... Like a bit bad bad right.. but.. No choice.. i rather spend a bit of $$ to get a rest day man..! hahaha...
3:57 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2003
Wow.. Just got back home at 11+ close to 12am... tonight was a very fun and enjoyable night.. H@o, ber, JW, karen, Shi Ling, Raymond. Huiling. Zhi ge ge, hui qing, Rey, yi ming and me all went to geylang for frog leg porridge... The best part of cos was that tonight is on H@o :P Think he muz be kinda broke after this meal and yest for treating the jiejie go eat...
My 1st time go Geylang see the other side of Spore life.. We 1 whole grp walked down e streets to see Gers... Woo... Wear until beri sexy... Haha.. but too bad the ones we saw were not really that pretty... Makes mi @@ clearly how tiko guys can be.. But nature of guys anyway.. Haha..!
Tou fa luan le!! H@o drove us all in his big lorry back home.. Haha.. I nv have had so much fun and laughter liao.. Beri nice!! Even though i was tired... But i still enjoyed myself throughly.. A bit cold at the back though.. Luckily at the end H@o lended me his jacket... But he wearing sleeveless... (1st time see) duno if he cold anot.. Haha.. Think i gg fall sick soon.. Hope i fall minor sick.. Den i can get MC!! HOoray!!! = X
Thanks everyone 4 making this night such a great 1.. Thanks H@o 4 yr treat and ride home.. Muacks all! =D
12:31 AM

You're the cheerful smile,the one that's truly
happy with almost everything you do and would
never cahnge your life.
What Kind of Smile are You? brought to you by Quizilla
5:59 PM

My inner child is sixteen years old!
Life's not fair! It's never been fair, but while
adults might just accept that, I know
something's gotta change. And it's gonna
change, just as soon as I become an adult and
get some power of my own.
How Old is Your Inner Child?
brought to you by Quizilla
5:52 PM
Morning everYone..! Woke up in ½ shock mode status this morning.. Cos when i woke up it was 7.30..!! And den i realised that i 4got to set alarm last night b4 i zZz... Ber ber sms me.. Ask me not to be late.. Cos she need to reach office by 9.. Haha... But think i gave her headshot.. Cos i told her i over zzz.. =X but worse still H@o oso zzz until late late.. Think he muz be bery tired la.. Cos @_@ liao.. haha
Anyway we cheong ah~~!~ To the company.. amazingly we really did made it to the company by 9... We dropped Ber and turned back to buy Tea and hotDog.. The uncle (-_-; ) cos i told him.. 6 HotDoGs!~ Think he muz be thinking that i'm kinda a freak.. Siao char bor.. Buy so many hotdogs dunnoe 4 wad.. Haha..
These few days no feel well.. Always get car and bus dizziness... Dunnoe wads wrong with me.. Yest oso.. go PS eat at snoopy place den eat half way *_* Gastric pain!!! ArGhz... Haha...
Si le.. Feeling sleepy... Its a very cold morning this morning.. Got very heavy rain.. Haha.. *** Frozen *** haha.. later Dunnoe go where 4 lunch with Mike.. Raining go outside eat oso beri mafan... Have to cross road.. Hahaha... Wished can dun go eat with him actually.. Like so funny le!!!! But den like not beri nice.. Cos he oso hao xin ask we all go join him 4 lunch.. =X
ANyway eat liao lunch den say ba.. ! haha
11:29 AM
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
A very sleepy morning for me.. haha.. Somemore i got nothing to do in e office today.. Finished all my work liao.. Haha.. haiz.. Last night so sad... My frd told me she had just broken up with her Bf.. BGR.. Sometimes can be complicated.. True right? Sometimes simple things can complicate all of a sudden..
AnywaY now in my old com writing online blog... friday is science park's jog - a - ton day.. (-_-; ) right? Mike looking 4 a gal to help run the 1st runner... Omg.. haha..~ No way man..~~ Rey say okie.. But duno wad time.. hahaha....!!!

What Finding Nemo Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
10:18 AM
Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Your the normal high school girl a couple of
friends you do your homework most of the time
alot of people know you you dont really enjoy
being the center of attention unless its real
Mz Concited or..Nice In Sweet brought to you by Quizilla
4:09 PM

! You are Most Like A Ruby !
Passionate, in control - and very sexy. You tend to
be more dominant, and people long to possess your
wild nature. People find you fun, and a real live
You're most like a Ruby because people simply can't
take their eyes away from you - your bright
nature draws people to you.
Congratulations ... You're the sparkly fun gem
everybody craves.
?? Which Precious Gem Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
3:59 PM
De de de de de~~~ Today's h@o's Bday... Early in e morning he over slept... -_-;; Ended up that we were late 4 work again.. Haha.. Den his supervisor so mean.. Dun let him go makan.. Den ended up me, zhi and ber ber oso no go out.. Just da bao some food and eat loh... After that ate strawberry cake! Yum Yum!!! ** beri fattening 1 wor**
Feel so bad man.. Haha.. I edited mao²'s wallpaper when he went out 4 lunch... mao mao == hotdog eater == xiong mao.... When he saw it i think he already "!!!" Omg~ haha... =X
Dun feel at ease when i have nothing to do... Finished my work for Mike liao.. Now stuck duno do wad neh... Too used to doing and coding.. Den now suddenly nothing to do like so weird... No mood play games.. Truth is.. I WANNA sleep~~! hahaha.... Huo gai la~ who ask me to zzz so late yesterdaY and watch energy and chat on e fone.. = P
Wo hao men ah!!!!
3:53 PM
Friday, September 12, 2003
These few days kinda too busy lahz.. That's why nv come update my bLog.. Haha.. Yesterday and Tues was Mao Mao and Jeremy's Bday... Bought gifts and cake for them... zhao nie ah! haha
Now at IPP i juz changed to my temp new desk.. Actually its not that bad over here ba.. Cos here got a big big table and even have an extension line.. = D The onli thing is that cannot play games here.. Cos too many pple walking about and my OIC sits behing behing me... A bit not fang bian... haha..
That day we oso got our pay check.. Dun uds why lehz.. They all wanna me to treat them "Buddha Jump over the wall" and
"shark fin".. Cos Everyone of them got the same amount.. Only mi different.. I oso dunnoe why... = / But more $$ is gd lah... Cos oso have to spare a tot for my HP bill.. close to $200 this month.. yao si loh!!! hahaha...
Now is already end of week 4... 1 month liao.. Very fast 3 months will be over.. Hahahaha!!! De de de de de....
1:46 PM
Thursday, September 04, 2003
Wow.. Thursday liao.. Been quite a bz morning man... Been helojg "Hosen' to do his HIS for the thing.. Changing menu bar (again).. Den adding DHTML clock script.. Blah blah blah.. Okie lah.. not so bad, got things to do den i not so bored... haha... The 2pid script keep giving mi probs.. So Mafan..
Omg!!! Hao's Blog is in pink?~?! haha.. The funny thing is.. Its even more pinkish den mine sia! haha nice 1 hao!! You xing ge uh! hahaha =P
3:53 PM
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
Wow~~ So full!!! Juz now zhi ge ge treat us eat zhu chao.. Until wanna bomba liao.. Den after that we bought a cake and went upstairs to celebrate for him.. Its a bengawan solo chocolate cake.. Yum Yum.. But den ah.. really beri chocolately sia.. Haha.. Now too bloated liao.. Feel like throwing up.. Lolz!!
1:52 PM
Wednesday morning liao..! Hehe.. Not enough sleep yesterday sia.. So today is in sleep mode liao.. Haha.. Yesterday beri "shiok" ah.. haha... Left office at 6.10 reached yishun at 7.45.. Cos we took the wrong turn.. So ended tup going to a lot of places ***lost*** like mohd sultan, bisham, orchard. thomson... Blah Blah Blah.. But actually its quite interesting also.. To just go without knowing where it will lead to.. Got a lot of view to see also la.. haha... machiam like tourists lidat.. haha..
Actually this is a sad sad morning.. My frd got confict with bf... Den she sob sob.. See her sob sob makes mi sad sad also.. But also duno how to console her.. haiz.. Sad sad... Hope everything will turn out okie ba.. Cos so long liao.. Jiu zhe yang jie su le zhen de hen ke xi orh... =(
10:58 AM
Tues liao.. So fast.. I juz finished the work that "Hosen" assigned me.. keke... Happy liao.. These few days been reading some really sad sad stories on the net.. Read liao always make mi so sad...
One of them is a Korean story... Free can go read them up.. Kinda long but its worth it.. Its about this guy and this gal who loved wach other but nv had the guts to admit to each other.. Then they lost contact of each other.. After many years the gal finally found the guy but tot that he had already forgotten about her.. So she disguised as a guy and got close to him as a buddy.. The sad part was when the gal finally about to pass away that she admitted his feelings 4 him... And vice versa.. Aiya.. I explain lidat oso beri hard.. You all go read urself la.. Ok? haha..
2:17 PM